Project: IG230.2016.1 - AID FOR THE EXECUTION OF EXTERNAL PROMOTION ACTIONS OF GALICIAN COMPANIES (GALICIA EXPORTA EMPRESAS) By resolution of December 28, 2015, which published the regulatory bases of the IGAPE aid for the implementation of actions for the external promotion of Galician companies, co-financed at 80% by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union in the framework of the Operational Program Feder Galicia 2014-2020 "a way of doing Europe", with the aim of improving the competitiveness of SMEs and specifically their international promotion, MILLASUR has been the beneficiary of the aid as recorded in the file IG230.2016.1.213 for the export of its products and services abroad, through the design and creation of this website in the indicated languages: German, French and Italian.
This company participates in an internationalization project, an operation co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, Feder Galicia 2014-2020 operational program.
As support to the internationalization process, MILLASUR S.L, has aid granted by the Xunta de Galicia through the Igape cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund under the ERDF operational program of Galicia 2014-2020, OT3.
To achieve a more competitive business fabric. A way to make Europe.
The main objective of this aid is to encourage and stimulate Galician foreign trade and the internationalization of Galician companies. The intended result is to increase the number of exporting companies and consolidate the presence of Galician companies in international markets.